I am a Statistics Leader in the Statistics and Data Science Innovation Hub, Oncology and Vaccines at GSK. I split my time researching and consulting on (bio)statistical methodology for innovative clinical trial design.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biostatistics at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I worked with Ying Yuan and Peter Thall on novel Bayesian clinical trial design for personalized medicine in early-phase oncology trials.
I earned my PhD in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I worked with Paul Rathouz and Jon Schildcrout on robust methods for epidemiological studies with outcome-dependent sampling. This work focused on developing methods for practitioners to use in retrospective studies which resemble commonly-used approaches, but simultaneously yield valid results across many applications. In addition to my dissertation work, I also developed a method for detecting nonlinear personalized treatment rules with Guanhua Chen and Jared Huling. During this time, I also had the opportunity to be a fellow of the Morse Society.
Before beginning my PhD, I spent a summer at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health working with Ciprian Crainiceanu on stroke lesion segmentation using structural MRI of the brain. Prior to that, I earned my MS in Biostatistics from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center.
Feel free to contact me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or my email listed below!
Email: jmmaronge[at]gmail[dot]com
PhD in Statistics, 2021
University of Wisconsin - Madison
MS in Biostatistics, 2016
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center